What Are Calories and How Do They Cause Weight Gain? Expert Opinion Inside
What Are Calories and How Do They Cause Weight Gain? Expert Opinion Inside

Calories are a unit of energy that our body obtains from the food and beverages we consume. They are essential for performing everyday activities like walking, running, and even basic bodily functions like breathing and maintaining body temperature. However, when the body receives more calories than it needs for energy expenditure, the surplus calories are stored as fat, leading to weight gain.

Experts explain that if your daily calorie intake consistently exceeds the amount your body uses for energy, those extra calories accumulate over time. This accumulation is stored in the body as fat, which eventually results in weight gain. Even small excesses, such as taking in an extra 100 calories daily, can lead to significant weight gain over the course of a year if not managed.

To prevent unwanted weight gain, it’s essential to balance the calories you consume with the energy your body uses. This can be done by being mindful of portion sizes, choosing nutrient-dense foods, and engaging in regular physical activity.

Experts also emphasize the importance of understanding that not all calories are created equal. Processed foods often contain “empty calories,” which provide little nutritional value but contribute significantly to calorie intake. On the other hand, foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber are not only healthier but also more satisfying, helping to prevent overeating.

Therefore, managing calorie intake is key to maintaining a healthy weight. By combining a balanced diet with regular exercise, you can effectively control your calorie balance and achieve your weight goals.

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