What is Artichoke Salad, which became Masaba Gupta's new lunch option?
What is Artichoke Salad, which became Masaba Gupta's new lunch option?

Masaba Gupta, a well-known fashion designer, recently uploaded a photo of herself from Istanbul, Turkey, in which she can be seen eating an artichoke salad. Artichoke salad has become a hot topic ever since this picture went viral. Know its advantages:

Famous fashion designer Masaba Gupta frequently finds himself in the spotlight for various reasons. She was recently observed visiting Istanbul, Turkey. The actress gave fans a taste of her favourite lunch during this time. He claimed to have discovered a new form of cooking that is now a part of his lunch.

The artichoke salad has been the topic of ongoing conversation ever since Masaba posted a picture of it on her Instagram story. Let's learn what an artichoke salad is and its advantages. -

Lower cholesterol levels

Cynarin, a substance found in artichokes, lowers cholesterol levels. According to a study in the nutrition journal, people who took artichoke extract for a period of 12 weeks had significantly lower cholesterol levels than those who did not.

Improve heart health

Cynarin, a substance found in artichokes, lowers cholesterol levels. According to a study in the nutrition journal, people who took artichoke extract for a period of 12 weeks had significantly lower cholesterol levels than those who did not.

Improve the digestive system

Fibre is a key component of artichokes and is known to be excellent for the digestive system. Fibre helps maintain a healthy digestive system and prevents constipation.

Control blood sugar level

The ability of artichokes to regulate blood sugar is well known. According to a study that appeared in the "Diabetes Care" journal, type 2 diabetics who took artichoke extract for 12 weeks had significantly lower blood sugar levels than those who did not.

Help manage weight

Artichokes are a high-fibre, low-calorie food. For those who want to lose weight or are attempting to maintain a healthy weight in this circumstance, it is a good option. You'll feel satiated from the fibre in it, which may encourage you to eat less.

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