What is Right to Know Day? Keep Up Transparency and the Power of Information Tips
What is Right to Know Day? Keep Up Transparency and the Power of Information Tips

Right to Know Day, observed every year on September 28, is a global celebration highlighting the importance of transparency and the right to access information held by public bodies. Established in 2002 at an international meeting of access advocates in Sofia, Bulgaria, the day aims to promote open access to information worldwide, emphasizing the need for accountable and transparent governance.

When and Where is Right to Know Day Celebrated?

Right to Know Day is celebrated annually on September 28, with growing participation from over 60 countries, including Canada, the USA, India, South Africa, Mexico, Spain, and many more. In Canada, the event is part of a larger "Right to Know Week" coordinated by information and privacy commissioner offices, engaging various communities in promoting the value of open access to information.

Who Celebrates Right to Know Day?

This day is celebrated by individuals and groups who champion democratic principles, including citizen advocacy groups, students, media professionals, academics, policymakers, and government bodies. The day is a collective acknowledgment of the right to access information and its role in fostering active public participation in governance.

Why is Right to Know Day Important?

Empowering Citizens: Access to information empowers individuals with the knowledge needed to address public issues, scrutinize governmental decisions, and actively participate in the democratic process.

Enhancing Transparency: It reveals the basis of government decisions, exposes environmental and health risks, and sheds light on mismanagement, errors, or illegal activities within public institutions.

Improving Public Services: The need for access to information drives improved records management, encourages routine information disclosure, and promotes better public service delivery.

Maintaining Vigilance: Ensuring access to information requires more than just legislation; it demands a commitment to fostering a culture of openness, with trained staff, public awareness, and adequate resources to uphold transparency.

How to Celebrate Right to Know Day

  • Write or Read About It: Engage with articles on the importance of access to information, contributing to the ongoing conversation about transparency.
  • Join Public Forums: Attend or host discussions that feature speakers addressing the impact and significance of access to information.
  • Creative Participation: Participate in activities such as poster contests or open houses at government offices, libraries, or other public institutions to learn more about how access to information impacts your community.

Right to Know Day is a powerful reminder of the importance of information access in creating accountable governance and empowered citizens. By celebrating this day, we recognize the critical role that information plays in enhancing democracy, improving public services, and holding governments accountable.


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