What is sarcoma cancer?
What is sarcoma cancer?

Sarcoma cancer is a rare and fatal type of cancer that begins in the soft tissues or bones of the body. It can affect any part of the body and spreads slowly. This cancer, which develops in the connective tissues of the body, targets tissues such as nerves, blood vessels, fat, cartilage, and tendons. Its treatment becomes difficult because its symptoms are often identified in the last stages.

In which organs is the risk of sarcoma cancer higher?

Sarcoma cancer can develop in any part of the body, but it is most commonly found in the head, neck, chest, arms and legs. Gradually it can spread to any part of the body and in severe cases it can cause severe damage to body organs. In severe cases, it is removed by cutting it out through surgery.

Symptoms of Sarcoma Cancer

The symptoms of sarcoma cancer depend on the part of the body and the type of tissue in which it has developed. Lumps and pain can be its main symptoms. Apart from this, other symptoms include fatigue, fever, sudden weight loss, skin changes, and swelling. In some cases, there may be a lump under the skin, which is without any pain.

Types of sarcoma

There are two main types of sarcoma:

1. Sarcoma cancer in soft tissues

About 80% of sarcoma cases are found in soft tissues and 20% in bones. This cancer can develop in soft tissues such as muscle, fat, and blood vessels. Some of the major types of soft tissue sarcoma are:

Liposarcoma (found in the abdomen)
Leiomyosarcoma (occurs in the uterus or digestive tract)
Rhabdomyosarcoma and fibrosarcoma

2. Sarcoma cancer of bones

Sarcomas that occur in bones are called osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and Ewing sarcoma.

Osteosarcoma is most common in teenagers and affects the bones of the arms and legs.
Chondrosarcoma is a dangerous tumour found in cartilage, which is responsible for the movement of bones and joints.
Ewing sarcoma cancer is most common in children and young adults, and can occur in long bones, ribs, shoulders and hips.

Causes of Sarcoma Cancer

The exact cause of this cancer is not known till now, but it is believed that when cancer cells in the body start growing rapidly, tumors start forming. Individuals who have faced radiation for any kind of cancer may have an increased risk of getting sarcoma cancer. Apart from this, genetic reasons can also be behind it.

Who is more at risk?

Children and young people Men who are obese
more than women Children with weakened immune systems People exposed to chemicals Those who smoke or drink alcohol more


sarcoma cancer treatment

The treatment of this cancer is based on its type, size and stage. It may include the following methods:

Surgery: Cancer is removed through surgery.
Targeted therapy
Radiation therapy

CT scan, MRI, X-ray, and genetic testing are done to diagnose cancer. The sooner the disease is detected, the better the chances of cure.

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