What is the increase in dementia in youth?
What is the increase in dementia in youth?

Dementia is a serious mental condition in which the brain's functioning gradually weakens. This disease especially affects older people and causes difficulty in a person's memory, decision-making ability, and daily activities. Let's know the symptoms, causes, and ways to avoid this disease.

Signs of dementia

  1. Memory loss: The patient has difficulty remembering recent events and information.
  2. Decreased decision-making ability: Even day-to-day decisions become difficult to take.
  3. behavior change: The patient's behavior may change suddenly, which may bother people around them.
  4. Difficulty performing daily tasks: Simple tasks such as cooking or getting dressed may become difficult.
  5. Difficulty in speaking and understanding: There are problems in talking or understanding something.
  6. Difficulty in recognizing surrounding people and paths: The patient has difficulty in recognizing familiar places and people.

Misconceptions about dementia

According to health experts, we often forget certain things like someone's name or where we kept something. This is a common thing and one should not mistake it for dementia. Such a condition is usually caused by a lack of concentration and not dementia.

The effect of sitting habits on mental health

The habit of sitting for long periods can also have a bad effect on mental health. According to researchers, sitting for long periods affects the part of the brain where new memories are stored. UCLA researchers have found that this habit can make the brain dementia-like.

causes of dementia in young people

Dementia does not only affect older people, but it can also occur in younger people due to several reasons:

  • Stroke: A blood clot in the brain causes damage to the brain.
  • Diabetes: Uncontrolled sugar levels can also cause mental problems.
  • Vitamin D deficiency: Vitamin D deficiency can also affect mental health.
  • Social isolation: Lack of social contact can impact mental health.
  • Drinking alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can also cause brain problems.
  • Orthostatic hypotension: Sudden drop in blood pressure while standing can also impact mental health.
  • Heart diseases: Heart diseases can affect mental health.
  • Stress: High levels of stress can harm mental health.
  • Hearing loss: Difficulty hearing may also increase the risk of dementia.
  • Increased C-reactive protein: This protein indicates inflammation, which can affect brain health.

Ways to reduce the risk of dementia

The following measures can be taken to prevent dementia:

  1. Control your weight: Avoid being overweight and maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Avoid smoking and alcohol: Quit these habits as they can affect mental health.
  3. Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity improves mental health.
  4. Maintain social activity: Being socially active keeps the mind active.
  5. Avoid being alone: ​​Avoid loneliness and spend time with family and friends.
  6. Avoid air pollution: Take measures to avoid air pollution.
  7. Keep the mind active: Play mental games and solve puzzles, which keep the mind active.
  8. Control chronic health conditions: Keep diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol under control.

By adopting these simple measures you can reduce the risk of dementia and improve your mental health.

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