What will happen if the US bans Russian crude from being sold in the US?
What will happen if the US bans Russian crude from being sold in the US?

President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that the United States would stop importing oil from Russia because it was killing people and causing a huge refugee crisis in Ukraine. The best way to get Russia to back down is to put a stop to its energy exports, say some people who don't like the country very much.

As a whole, an embargo would be most effective if it also included European allies, who are also trying to stop Ukraine's violence and Moscow's threats to the rest of Europe. But it's not clear if all of Europe would join in an embargo. Britain said Tuesday that it would stop buying oil from Russia by the end of the year.

Europe gets most of its energy from Russia, the world's second-largest crude oil exporter after Saudi Arabia. The United States doesn't get much of its energy from Russia. Even though the United States could replace the small amount of fuel it gets from Moscow, Europe couldn't, at least not for a very long time.

People and businesses on both sides of the Atlantic and the rest of the world could get even worse off if Russia stops exporting oil. This could push up oil and gas prices even more.

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