WhatsApp Tips: If you do not hear WhatsApp calls even when the phone is locked, then follow this trick
WhatsApp Tips: If you do not hear WhatsApp calls even when the phone is locked, then follow this trick

In the realm of instant messaging, WhatsApp stands tall, connecting friends and family seamlessly. However, a common hiccup users face is the mysterious silence during calls, especially when the phone is locked.

Unraveling the Mystery

Discovering why your WhatsApp calls stay mute requires some detective work. Let's delve into the issue and unveil a handy trick to overcome this annoyance.

Checking App Permissions

Permission Settings on Lock Screen

Your phone's lock screen might be the silent culprit. Ensure WhatsApp has the necessary permissions even when your phone is locked. Head to your phone settings and grant the required access.

Battery Optimization Settings

WhatsApp's performance can be affected by aggressive battery optimization. Navigate to your phone's battery settings and exempt WhatsApp from any power-saving restrictions.

App-Specific Solutions

WhatsApp Settings for Calls

Within WhatsApp, explore the settings dedicated to calls. Ensure that the app isn't set to go silent when your device is locked. Adjust these settings to match your preferences.

Update WhatsApp

Outdated apps can lead to unexpected glitches. Make sure your WhatsApp is up to date by checking the app store for any pending updates.

Device-Wide Considerations

Do Not Disturb (DND) Mode

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective. Check if your phone is in Do Not Disturb mode, which can inadvertently mute incoming calls.

Network and Connectivity Issues

A stable internet connection is the lifeline of WhatsApp calls. Examine your Wi-Fi or mobile data connection to ensure uninterrupted service. WhatsApp, with its global user base, strives to provide a flawless communication experience. However, technical hitches can occur. By understanding the nuances and implementing the tips mentioned, you can bid farewell to silent WhatsApp calls. Remember, communication is the key, and with the right tweaks, you can keep those WhatsApp calls lively and engaging.

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