White House sets to Welcome PM Modi on June 21
White House sets to Welcome PM Modi on June 21

The US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit the country this week on June 21. On June 22, they will host Modi at a state supper. 

On Thursday, June 22, President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden will greet him at a Welcome Ceremony on the South Lawns of the White House. Several thousand Indian Americans are anticipated to attend. 

Top Indian American CEOs, such as Satya Nadella from Microsoft, Sunder Pichai from Google, and Raj Subramanian from FedEx, are anticipated to attend the State Dinner, according to the news source. The State Dinner is also expected to include invitations to the five Indian American congressmen Ami Bera, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khanna, and Shri Thanedar.

On June 21, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lead a large-scale yoga demonstration at the UN building in New York. From June 21 to 24, the Prime Minister will travel to the US at President Joe Biden's invitation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to showcase the power and benefits of yoga on a global stage as he leads a grand-scale yoga demonstration at the United Nations building in New York. This significant event, eagerly anticipated by yoga enthusiasts worldwide, marks a monumental moment in the promotion of yoga as a holistic approach to health and well-being.

With his charismatic leadership and deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of yoga, Prime Minister Modi aims to inspire people from all walks of life to embrace this ancient practice and experience its profound positive effects. The UN building in New York, renowned for its role in fostering international cooperation and dialogue, provides the perfect backdrop for this remarkable event.

Thousands of participants, ranging from diplomats to yoga practitioners, are expected to gather to join Prime Minister Modi in the mass yoga demonstration. This collective display of unity and harmony symbolizes the universal appeal and inclusive nature of yoga, transcending borders, cultures, and religions. It exemplifies the philosophy of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam," the concept that the world is one family.

International Yoga Day Jue 21: PM Modi to lead a session at UNHQ

Yoga Exercises for Strength, Flexibility, and Mindfulness


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