Why Depression occurs? Know all about it
Why Depression occurs? Know all about it

Depression is a second most disease in the world. 90% of people are relying on anti-depression medication for depression. People who helping themselves to cure depression with anti-depression tablets are totally unsuccessful as anti-depression tablet is not a cure. Ask anyone who have gone through it and who have used such tablets, you will get your answer. Surely these tablets will give you temporary relief. The side effects which you pay for it is much higher of those anti-depression tablets.

Let us understand why depression comes? Till now you must be knowing that depression is because of chemical imbalance in your brain. You are very correct in your research but there is another depth of information which you need to know.

Anger is suppressed, later it goes through repeated experiences where person feels betrayed, hurt, dejected, rejected, helpless etc. These various emotions becomes suppressed anger. Now this anger creates chemical imbalance in the brain which doctor name it as disease called depression. But in real sense suppressed anger is called depression.

Now if person who is suffering from depression is either having suppressed anger on oneself or on other person or on friend or on spouse or may be on god or may be on life. This anger anger has to be taken out, expressed outwardly which will make that person feel better. This is the first step towards healing depression.

How person can take out anger is person's choice. Person can write a letter to another person or to god, break something or do whatever one feels good and remove anger positively. Removing anger out positively means not to harm anyone physically and remove anger for example throwing plates thinking or imagining about the person on whom one is angry, using punching bag or pillow to ventilate anger positively.

Getting angry feels better than being in depression. For few days let yourself feel angry (positively) by the time reduce your medication if at all you are taking.

The second step towards healing your depression is increasing life force energy within you so every day go and watch sky, trees and ocean or river which will help you to increase your life force energy. This will reduce your anger and this will give you much better result then your medication.

Third step is increasing your understanding level towards yourself and life.  Accept the truths of life that is:

·         you are responsible for your life

·         everything happens for your growth

·         nothing is good or bad

·         everything is just experience

·         you always get what you need


At Nutshell , These are basic truths of life if you accept it and live it you will be able to heal your depression. Everyone knows so many things. The person who is reading this right now must also have known about it but knowing is not enough, living the knowing is important.

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