Know the deep secret about Ganga water, Scientists proved
Know the deep secret about Ganga water, Scientists proved

Many rivers flow in India but we have been hearing this thing that people often keep mentioning the characteristics of the Ganges water. This water never gets spoiled. There is no insect in this river. The water of this river does not smell too. People have done many atrocities on the Ganges. Drains were thrown in it, dead bodies were thrown, garbage was poured, but nothing happened in the Ganges water.

Many secrets are hidden behind it. However, the virus is the reason why Ganga water never gets spoiled. Some such viruses are found in this river, which prevents it from causing rot. This news is about 125 years old. Famous British scientist Ernest Hankin researched the Ganges water in the 1890s because cholera was spread at that time. People used to throw the bodies of those who died in the River Ganges but scientist Hankin feared that the other people who bathed in the Ganges might also get vulnerable to cholera. But this did not happen. Scientist Hankin was surprised about this because before that he had seen that due to drinking dirty water in Europe, other people were also coming in the grip of disease. However, he was surprised to see such magic of Ganges water.

After twenty years, a French scientist took this research of scientist Hankin forward. When this scientist did more research on the Ganges, it was found that the viruses that mixed in the Ganges water were penetrating into the bacteria that spread cholera and eliminate it. Due to this virus, the Ganges water used to remain pure. Due to these viruses, cholera-like disease was not spreading among the bathing public.

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