You love your nails but, they break while you grow it! We paint it, shape it with filer, apply coat over it and maintain it's beauty. While we ask some girls about “why don't they grow their nails?” They reply, “when we grow it, it breaks after some limit.”
Girls, do you know the reason behind you breaking nails, let me tell you:
Your body's iron is less:
You may be suffering from anemia, it causes weakening of hairs and nails. You may check your haemoglobin and can prescribe your diet with a dietitian to enrich haemoglobin.
You text and type non-stop:
Either you type or text non-stop, you may be chatting whole day or you surf on computer. You should be conscious about your nails because continuous typing or chatting can cause splitting or breaking of your nails.
You apply lotion only once:
Whenever you wash your hand always apply lotion because your dry skin below the cuticle can make your nails weak, causing them to break.
You leave polish for too much lag:
All nail Polishes have drying ingredient which can seize all the moisture of your nails. It not only trap the moisture of your nails but also, hardens your nail and discolor it.
Make your own DIY matte nail polishes!!!