Rishi Panchami: Know how and why this fast is important for women?
Rishi Panchami: Know how and why this fast is important for women?

Indian women observe many fasts throughout the year. During this, there are some fasts which are very important. One such fast is Rishi Panchami. This Panchami holds a special place in all the Panchami that come during the year. Observing fast on this day increases its importance even more. This fast is for women to get rid of sins committed inadvertently, while bachelor girls also observe this fast.

Why is the fast of Rishi Panchami necessary for women?

Rishi Panchami fast is of great importance to women. It is exclusively kept by women. If women have made any such mistake during menstruation which is not religiously justified, then women feel guilty and women observe this fast to get rid of the blame or for women to get rid of this mistake, must observe fast. When women are going through menstruation, they are considered impure. Women have to go through many rules, although sometimes, inadvertently, women make mistakes during this time. In this case, women can get rid of this defect by observing the fast of Rishi Panchami.

When Rishi Panchami fast is observed, whose worship is done?

The fast or special occasion of Rishi Panchami falls on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha of Bhado month. On this day, women observe fast and worship the Saptrishi. No deity is worshiped on this day. The seven sages who are worshiped are known as Rishi Vasistha ji, Rishi Jamadagni ji, Rishi Atri ji, Rishi Vishwamitra ji, Rishi Kanva ji, Rishi Bharadwaj ji and Rishi Vamdev.

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