There is a reason why opposite sex attracts you: Study
There is a reason why opposite sex attracts you: Study

Each and every time when we encounter with the opposite sex then we feel sort of attracted. It is really obvious to feel driven by one's personality, looks, smile or talks. According to the researchers, it is the work of a brain hormone called kisspeptin. This hormone drives both attractions to the opposite sex and sexual behaviours. This attraction in advance can lead to treatment for patients with psychosexual disorders.

Kisspeptin has already been recognized as the key molecule within the brain which is responsible for triggering adolescence and controlling productivity. The findings show that puberty, fertility, attraction, and sex are all controlled by a single molecule kisspeptin. This can be done through different brain circuits running in parallel with one another.

The study, conducted on mice, revealed that a subset of neurons in the hypothalamus, a brain region, drives both attractions to the opposite sex and sexual behaviour. Together, they also convey this signal to cells that produce the neurotransmitter nitric oxide to trigger sexual behaviour, the researchers said.

According to the experts, this work has provided new insight into how the brain decodes signals from the outside world and then translates these environmental cues into behaviour.

This work opens up new and exciting opportunities for the treatment of patients with psychosexual disorders. “There are currently no good treatments available for women suffering from low sexual desire. The discovery that kisspeptin controls both attraction and sexual desire open up exciting new possibilities for the development of treatments for low sexual desire,” experts further added.

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