The shocking truth revealed in the case of a young man missing for three months
The shocking truth revealed in the case of a young man missing for three months

Guntur (Andhra Pradesh): Nowadays the increasing crime cases are surprising everyone. In such a case, the matter which has come up recently is from Guntur district. In the case of the disappearance of a person at Cheruppupaly Mandal center here, such things are coming out that the police itself is shocked. A week ago, Balpalli Subbarao lodged a complaint at the police station. In that complaint, he said that his son Chiranjeevi has been missing for the last three months. The police investigated the complaint filed there.

According to the information received, it came out during the police inquiry that Chiranjeevi's wife was living in a live-in relationship (symbiosis) with a person from Kolluru village. The police then came to know from some reliable sources that 'the woman killed her husband three months ago along with her lover and buried him in a rented house in Cherukupalli'. After getting this information, the police has started questioning the custody of some people involved in Chiranjeevi's murder.

Police has also come to know that a dispute had arisen between Chiranjeevi's first wife about something and the matter is still pending in the court. Meanwhile, Chiranjeevi got married six years ago to a young woman from Inturu and both have a son. Chiranjeevi currently has a medical shop in Kollur and was introduced to a person there. Who used to come to his house. Meanwhile, the man had an illicit relationship with Chiranjeevi's wife and both killed Chiranjeevi.

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