Woman slept on the beach in the hot sun, her forehead shrank like plastic
Woman slept on the beach in the hot sun, her forehead shrank like plastic

By the way, in science, the sun's rays are said to be a great source of vitamin D, although there are times when the damage of the sun's rays has also been revealed. Yes and recently one such case has come to light where a woman slept for half an hour on the middle of the sea. In fact, the woman did not use sun cream so that she could enjoy it properly, although this mistake of hers took a toll on her. Actually, this incident is from a beach in Bulgaria. According to a report, a beautician named Sirin Murad, who lives in Britain, had reached the beach to spend her holidays.

Meanwhile, Sirin thought amidst the bright and shining rays of the sun that why not tan her skin and she lay there without applying any cover cream or sun cream. When she woke up about half an hour later, she felt a little irritation on her forehead. After that, when he saw it, her forehead was red. In fact, lying in the sun without applying sunscreen at a temperature of about 21 degrees Celsius became expensive and when some more time passed, she also felt pain. According to the report that came out, what she saw the next morning was quite surprising for her.

In fact, by morning, her forehead had shrunk and her face not only looked burnt but also had severe pain. Despite being a beautician, she did not understand what happened to her. With this, she contacted the doctors and started taking medicine. In fact, she has also shared her pictures in which her shrunken forehead is visible.

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