Women fall for Social Dominant men quickly
Women fall for Social Dominant men quickly

Men who are social dominance and leadership qualities are found to be more desirable romantic partners by women. Opposite to it, men fall for women with genetic makeup linked to sensitivity, submissiveness more attractive, as per a study by New York journal Human Nature.

The researchers from the University of California, A man Irvine wanted to know if mate selection could actually be influenced by people's ability to quickly detect the so-called "good genes."

The team headed by Karen Wu turned to speed-dating to test their predictions in a real-life scenario. In such meet-ups, participants only had a few minutes to determine the short- and long-term potential of their speed-dating partners, and to decide whether or not to offer their partners a second date.

The team recruited 262 single Asian Americans to have three-minute dates with members of the opposite sex. After each speed-date, participants were asked whether or not they wanted to offer their partner a second date, and how desirable they found the person as a romantic partner.

The researchers focused on two on two different genes that were previously linked to social dynamics, while testing the DNA samples from participants.

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