Women it's time to rendezvous with your single type !
Women it's time to rendezvous with your single type !

Especially there are five types of single women found in the world. And if you are single then definitely you too fit within it.

Those ladies who mislaid sense of time: Such type of women still live in the dreams where she is expecting her prince charming will ride a white horse and will come from heaven

Those who still in love with Ex: There also such type of women in the world, she just can’t get over him. She hates all men, but somewhere deep down, that’s because she loves her ex.

Those who always looking for the one:Okay! Now not that she doesn’t find men. She has men drooling all around her.She’s waiting for one soulmate she thinks is just compatible to her, reads her favorite novels and also sings her a lullaby.

Those who thinks marriage blah it’s not for me : She just knows that weddings are for losers, and she’s on earth for some other reason.Waiting for divine intervention, which sure will take it’s time to appear.

Those who are dreaming to listen the voice called Mumma: She has always loved kids and will be a mother someday. But she just doesn’t want to go through the pain of being a mother. ‘Nine months is just too much’ she thinks.


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