On Sunday the prime minister of India Narendra Modi asked the people to come together on this environment day and refuse the use of plastic.
This environment to focus on plating more and more trees but not only staying limited to that, living up to the motto of this world environment, “beat plastic pollution”
It is important for people to feel sensitive about the environment that they’re living in. It is because of our lack of intervention that the climate is facing so much, the global warming and loss of life and property needs to stop.
All of this was addressed by him to the public in ‘man ki Baat’ on the radio.
He also expressed his happiness that India is hosting the world environment day this year with the motive to beat the plastic and refuse it if you can’t reuse it.
The more and more calamities we face is all because of the changes created by humans in the environment, were unaware that by the end of the day it is all coming back to using various forms.
This is high time that we all start to take the initiative to make our surroundings healthy and clean.
the preprations for the world environment day is still in process.