World Ozone Day: Ozone Layer is Slowly Getting Healthier
World Ozone Day: Ozone Layer is Slowly Getting Healthier

A brittle gas screen called the ozone layer shields the planet's surface from the sun's damaging rays, preserving life there. In addition to protecting the ozone layer for current and future generations, the phaseout of controlled uses of ozone-depleting substances and the associated reductions have made a significant contribution to international efforts to combat climate change. Additionally, by reducing the amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation that enters the Earth, these actions have protected human health and ecosystems.

We commemorate the 35th anniversary of both the Vienna Convention and the global ozone layer protection this year. Without sunshine, life on Earth would not be conceivable. However, if not for the ozone layer, the energy coming from the sun would be too great for life to flourish on Earth. Most of the dangerous UV light from the sun is blocked from Earth by this stratospheric layer. Life is made possible by sunlight, but life as we know it is made possible by the ozone layer.

Therefore, scientists sounded the alarm when they realised that humans were causing a hole in this shield in the late 1970s. The hole was threatening to worsen cases of skin cancer and cataracts, harm plants, crops, and ecosystems, and was brought on by ozone-depleting gases (ODSs) used in aerosols and cooling, such as refrigerators and air-conditioners.

On September 16, World Ozone Day honours this accomplishment. It demonstrates how significant global crises can only be resolved via collaborative decision-making and action that is informed by science. The message of the ozone treaties, which emphasises working together in harmony and for the greater good, is more crucial than ever in this year of the coronavirus epidemic, which has caused such social and economic misery. The day's catchphrase, "Ozone for life," serves as a reminder that not only is ozone essential for life on Earth, but that we also need to continue protecting the ozone layer for the sake of coming generations.

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