In the very spectacular TV show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, preparations for Teej festival are going on these days and there is an atmosphere of happiness everywhere. In such a situation, Karthik's grandmother got a shock recently when due to health, Vedika had to open her fast already. At the same time, Naira has still kept a fast for Karthik.
Karthik gets emotional after completing 3000 episodes of 'Yeh Rishta ...', shared video
At the same time, both of their fans are going to get a double treat in the upcoming episode as Naira and Karthik will come closer once again during Teej. Yes, in the coming episodes, Naira will come in a beautifully decorated bride dress and this dress will be given to her by Suvarna and as soon as she comes in front of everyone wearing this dress, people will be left shocked.
At the same time, Karthik will not be able to remove his eyes from seeing the adorned Naira like a bride and in the midst of this celebration he will just keep looking at his Naira. With this, 3000 episodes of the show have been completed, so in today's episode, all the actors will celebrate by cutting the cake and in the joy of completion of 3000 episodes, the writer has given a twist in its story. With this, Naira and Karthik will be seen dancing in the dream sequence only... but together.
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At the same time, the situation may have forced Karthik, but even today he spends his life on with Naira and keeps watching her again and again. At the same time, Naira has kept Teej fast for Karthik and his condition will start deteriorating by night. While there she will go to the roof but will fall and seeing her in this condition, Karthik will run to her. After that, seeing Naira in this condition, Karthik will give her water and now you will have to watch the show for what will happen next.
Seeing Karthik and Naira together, Vedika will leave Goenka House, will divorce!