Actress Mohena Kumari Singh, who has made a place in everyone's heart due to her strong acting in the TV industry and has been a part of 'Ye Rishta Kya Kehlata hai', has got married yesterday. Her mehndi and Sangeet ceremony was celebrated with great pomp on Sunday and now her Haldi ceremony took place yesterday, ie on Monday, pictures of which have been revealed. Let us tell you that in these pictures revealed, Mohana is seen in a beautiful yellow lehenga.
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At the same time, she has taken a yellow colour scarf with a golden border. With this you can see the beautiful mehndi in their hands is clearly visible. At the same time, the flower jewellery on her hands, neck and forehead looks quite good. You can see in the pictures, her friends and her relatives are seen around her and pictures of Mohena's pre-wedding celebrations are going viral. We have told you that Mohena's husband's name is Suyash Rawat and she has engaged with him a long time ago.
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Now talking about her mehndi and sangeet function, Mohena wore a lehenga and for the mehndi function, Mohena wore a pink and green color combination lehenga, while she was seen in Nath, Tika and Heavy earrings. At the same time, these pictures of her have made everyone crazy.