Yoga asanas to get proper sleep and to treat insomnia
Yoga asanas to get proper sleep and to treat insomnia

We all  understands the importance of sleep and anyone who does not has definitely not pulled an all-nighter ever. However, proper, sound sleep is not only important for you to be able to function properly the next day at work, but also because improper sleep can have some serious health risks. A lot of people face a lot of stress in their personal and professional lives, have some or the other illness or disease, that keeps them fr

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viparita karani  - viparita karani  or Legs up the wall asana is pose you must try if you want to get sound and deep sleep. This pose works wonders especially if you are unable to sleep due to pain in your legs, or any lower part of your body. This asana exercises the glutes, hamstrings, calves, and also help drain out the lactic acid from the legs, providing relief from pain.

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Shavasana – it is also know as the corpse pose or the Shavasana, it is the ideal yoga asana to do in bed when you are trying to fall asleep. Breathing in and breathing out with the body just lying down, relaxed is probably the best way to calm your mind and body and fall asleep. The corpse pose is done at the end of the yoga routine, so make sure you do other asanas before this one.

Balasana - also called as the Child's pose is a resting pose and can be used as a filler between other yoga asanas. The pose requires you to sit down on your knees and bend your body forward, with your hands touching the surface below you. It requires you to mimic a child's pose in the mother's womb. This pose calms the mind relieves stress and fatigue and can, therefore, help you to sleep better.

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