You can take this small AC with you anywhere, its price is also not high
You can take this small AC with you anywhere, its price is also not high

For those who spend a lot of time commuting between home and office during the scorching heat, the MAK Mini AC Cooler could be a game-changer. It ensures you can enjoy cool, refreshing air during your travels, making your journey much more comfortable despite the summer heat.

Affordable Cooling Solutions on MISHO

MISHO offers a variety of budget-friendly products catering to every need. Among them is a compact MAK Mini AC available for just ₹947. It's portable enough to carry along on your travels.

Features of the MAK Mini AC Cooler

The MAK Mini AC Cooler comes equipped with 3 adjustable speed modes, allowing you to customize airflow according to your preference. It also includes an LED light, which serves both as a light source and an air conditioner, making it versatile for various settings.

Indoor and Outdoor Usage

This air conditioner can function effectively both indoors and outdoors. Its portability makes it ideal for picnics and other outdoor activities where staying cool is essential.

Discounted Price on Amazon

Originally priced at ₹23,899, the MAK Mini AC Cooler is currently available on Amazon with a 50% discount, bringing the cost down to just ₹11,839.

Ideal for Travel

Its compact size and portability make it perfect for travel, ensuring you stay comfortable wherever you go.

Three Speed Modes

You can adjust the fan speed to three different levels, ensuring you get the cooling you need, when you need it.

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