You won't be able to access the Microsoft if you have a dump Password
You won't be able to access the Microsoft if you have a dump Password

We often use very, very dumb passwords to make it easily remember. This is the reason our ID or personal details are hacked by wrongdoers. So now Microsoft found a solution to our senility: It has plans to create a dynamically updated list of moronic passwords that it won’t let you use.

In its official blog Microsoft posted that, Microsoft explains that it’s putting to use the insights it can glean from millions of leaked passwords in order to increase security.

Rather than simply imposing rules about password length and complexity, it’s using publicly available information to create a list of commonly used passwords, which it simply won’t allow you to use.

Microsoft declare to have already turned out the feature to Microsoft Account Service—that’s Outlook, Xbox, OneDrive and the like—and it will also add the feature to accounts that use its Azure AD login system.

It will become different for the users to mark the improvement till you “choose a password that’s harder for people to guess.” Farewell, “123456", you were useful while you were allowed.

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