You will not stop laughing after reading these jokes
You will not stop laughing after reading these jokes

1.Two friends talking:
1st: “Hey can I borrow some money? I’m broke.”
2nd: “Get money from your job.”
1st: “I got fired.”
2nd: “Why?”
1st: “My boss told me to leave all my problems behind the door, so I told him to stand outside.

2. Teacher: Tell me an example of a creature that can live on the water as well as the land.
Student: Frog.
Teacher: Another example.
Student: Another frog.

3.A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender looks 
at him and says, “Hey, they named a drink after you!”

“Really?” replies the grasshopper. “There’s a drink 
named Stan?”

4.Santa reading newspaper..
News: "Indian athlete lost gold medal in long jump"
Santa comments: Idiot !! Who told him to wear gold medal while jumping

5.Santa: I’m feeling like a legislative body - Vidhan or Lok Sabha
Banta: What do you mean?
Santa: My stomach is upset.
Banta: What does your stomach have to do with Legislative Assemblies or Parliament?
Santa: I’m passing motion after motion.

6.Salesman: Sir, do you want this powder ?
Santa: For what ?
Salesman: For ants
Santa: No. If I give powder today, they will ask lipstick tomorrow!!

7. Santa was writing past tense of "I make a mistake"
Guess what he wrote ?
"I was made by a mistake"

8. Banta: How the word 'Wife' was invented?
Santa: They took the first two and last two letters of 'Wildlife'!

9. Once there was a mirror that killed anyone who lied...
French : I think I dont smoke (died).
American : I think I love my wife (died).
Santa: I think.. (died)

10. Santa and Banta are walking on a road, and they find a 1000 rupee note lying down.
Santa - What should we do now?
Banta- We'll take 50:50.
Santa- What about the remaining 900?

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