Ludhiana (Punjab): In the city, a 13-year-old boy has registered his name in India Book of Records. He is awarded as the youngest developer of a drone or quadcopter.
Aryaman Verma has built a Quadcopter which is capable of flying up to 70 feet high. Following to recording his name in the India Book of Records, Verma's family has sent his name for the Guinness Book of World Records. Aryaman's mother has also displayed hope for her son to get selected among the world record holders.
She told ANI that they have sent the entry to Guinness World Records and they are hopeful they will accept it.
A quadcopter is also called a quadrotor helicopter or quadrotor or drone. It is a multirotor helicopter that is lifted and driven by four rotors. Quadcopters are classified as rotorcraft, as opposed to fixed-wing aircraft, because their lift is generated by a set of rotors. They generally use two pairs of identical fixed pitched propellers; two clockwise (CW) and two counterclockwise (CCW). These use an independent variation of the speed of each rotor to achieve control. By changing the speed of each rotor it is possible to specifically generate a desired total thrust; to locate for the centre of thrust both laterally and longitudinally; and to create a desired total torque, or turning force.
Quadcopters differ from conventional helicopters. It uses rotors that are able to alter the pitch of their blades dynamically as they move around the rotor hub.