Never take paracetamol during pregnancy
Never take paracetamol during pregnancy

Usually, paracetamol is used as a fever or painkiller during pregnancy, but a recent research has shown that taking a paracetamol during pregnancy has an effect on the fetus's sexual desire, and its behavior becomes aggressive.

A new research from the Copenhagen University of Denmark has been advised to think several times before using paracetamol. This research has been published in the journal 'Reproduction'. In the research done on animals, the use of the popular painkiller paracetamol has been found to be harmful for the development of male behavior. Researchers have said that the dose given to the rat is almost equal to the dose given to a pregnant woman.

In France, Environmental at Trojle (IRSET) and now the Institute of Richer's Insect-linked Mobijrat Kristenen said that the rat given paracetamol in a test was generally unable to intercourse like mice controlled by us. During the development of the fetus, the male system was not developed properly and it can also be seen in later adult life span. This is worrisome.

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