Papaya is the solution of dry skin
Papaya is the solution of dry skin

Dry skin has to face many problems. Due to hot air, sun rays and hard soap, the skin gets dry. In the summer the problem of dry skin becomes excessive in the weather. Dry skin can get rid by using a variety of creams and lotions, but due to the high volume of chemicals, the skin is damaged. But here is some home trick to get rid of dry skin.

To get rid of dry skin, grind the papaya and make paste. Now add a little milk and honey in this paste and put it on your face and neck. Wash after 10-15 minutes. This mask is very beneficial to remove the dryness from your skin and to make the skin soft. Use it twice a week.

Using this mask in the summer season, the dryness from the skin and the black spot on the face can be removed.

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