Pregnancy in teenage is not good for mother and child
Pregnancy in teenage is not good for mother and child

The effect of pregnancy occurs on the woman's mind and if the pregnancy is in adolescence, then the effect of this is increased. Problems can occur in many ways due to the pregnancy of the young woman at an early age. Emotional, financial and educational problems are special in this case. In pregnancy, the teenager not only needs ultrasound but also advice in many cases.

Early pregnancy is not only physical but also has a negative effect on mental health. Teenage age is a fun age. The body develops in it. If there is a pregnancy at this time, there are many changes, such as weight gain, breast growth and swelling in the body during pregnancy, which adversely affects the beauty and mind of the teenager. In the teenage stage, the girl's education has a bad effect on her becoming a mother.

Lack of education has a bad effect on her career also. Many young women get abortion after they have been pregnant, due to which depression and tension are accompanied by weakness in the body. Pregnancy in adolescence also affects the health of the child. Read more:

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