Stopping urine causes serious damage to kidney
Stopping urine causes serious damage to kidney

When we are in such a place, where there is no washroom and we are in a meeting then it is compulsion to stop the urine. But it can be dangerous to stop urine again and again. Urinary bladder is a very small round limb of the body.

The wall of this limb is so flexible that it spreads with waste. The fluid coming out of the kidneys comes here and collects it. When the urinary bladder fills half, the brain indicates, the urine may be infections by preventing urination more frequently.

On preventing urination, bacteria collect on the mouth of the urethra and increase the risk of disease. The sensitivity of everyone's urinary bladder is different. It also depends on what you have eaten. The bladder is spread by preventing urination, when the bladder system becomes more active, it is necessary to repeatedly urinate. This is the symptoms of the infection. For this, the survivors do so.

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