Vir Das: Indian Comedian to make 'live' version of 'POTCAST'!
Vir Das: Indian Comedian  to make 'live' version of 'POTCAST'!

Los Angeles:

March 18 2016: Vir Das the Indian comedian and actor,who is recently on his second US-Canadian comedy tour entertaining audiences in seven cities.Das is planning to make a live version of his “POTCAST”

Since,past September Vir has been uploading his “POTCAST” video online,he takes potshots at people and gives comic feel twists to recent events happening in India.

Vir Das said ,"My social media was flooded with requests to do the 'POTCAST' live. It was something I thought of and made it into a series of web videos. People seemed to have really liked what we did and now I am planning to do a live version of it for the shows I am currently doing across the US and Canada,” Vir said in a statement.

For his second tour Vir is performing in cities like Chicago,Washington and San Jose.

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