Daily Habits that make You age quicker!!!
Daily Habits that make You age quicker!!!

You may be applying numerous anti-aging creams and serums but what you do daily may defeat all that purpose! Here are the 9 common things people do that make them age faster.

Lack of Sleep

Getting too little sleep every night can dramatically shorten your life. Adults should spend 7-9 hours every night sleeping. Melatonin, a sleep hormone, repairs DNA and cells while you catch some sleep.

Soft spot for desserts

A sugar-packed diet can take its toll on your waistline, of course, but now experts also believe it can make your skin dull and wrinkled, too. These aging effects start at about age 35 and increase rapidly after that.

You become anti-social

Spending time alone is great. It can be relaxing and peaceful. But don’t forget to plan a night with your family and friends every time. Being around people who care about you will increase inner joy. After all, laughter is the best medicine.

Ignore stress rather than deal with it

Chronic stress has a big impact on your health in various ways; from affecting your skin, such as causing acne breakouts, to messing with your sleep.

Not prioritizing intimacy

Make sure you maintain regular intimate moments with your partner to reap anti-aging advantages, such as reducing stress levels and boosting your immune system.

You don’t eat fruits and vegetables daily

Antioxidant-packed fruits and veggies can help you stay young. These powerful compounds fight free radicals that would otherwise wreak havoc on your body and skin, damaging cells that can lead to cancer and make you look older.

Not consuming (good) fats

Slashing unsaturated fats like found in fish, nuts, and olive oil, is like throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. Omega-3 fatty acids is the ultimate anti-aging fat, essential for protecting your brain, heart, bones, joints, skin, and more.

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