Getting Rid of Yeast and Bacteria the Natural Way!!!
Getting Rid of Yeast and Bacteria the Natural Way!!!

A yeast infection, also known as “Candida,” is basically caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeast called “Candida albicans.” It generally affects the vaginal area but can also develop around dentures, under the breasts, lower abdomen, nail beds, and beneath skin folds.

Natural solutions can help get rid of them, and let your body do what it is genetically designed to do.

Avoid Sugar

Bacteria eats sugar to survive. The most obvious way to get rid of the bad bacteria is by simply cutting their food supply. It is not possible to get rid of sugar completely but yes, you can cut down on it.


Many yogurts contain the same type of probiotics that keeps the vagina healthy. “Lactobacillus acidophilus,” a friendly strain of bacteria which is present in yogurt, controls the growth of infection. For treating a yeast infection, use plain, unsweetened yogurt.


Cranberries contain both antibacterial and antifungal properties and can be used to fight the fungi responsible for yeast infections. It can also treat urinary tract or any other kind of bladder infections.

Avoid Alcohol

Do not consume alcohol if there is an infection. If you consume alcohol daily and then yeast infection is frequent, you might want to consider giving up alcohol completely.

Take Vitamin D

You can either get half an hour of sunshine daily, eat foods that are high in Vitamin D or pop in a vitamin D supplement. There are several options. If your skin is sensitive or you are allergic to the sun, taking a supplement is a good option.

Wear a cotton underwear

Wear cotton lined underwear or use panty liners that will soak up excess moisture and keep the vaginal area drier.

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