The ideal morning routine for weight loss!
The ideal morning routine for weight loss!

We think that losing or gaining weight is all about calories. We fail to understand that there are many factors that affect our weight. It's very important to create a proper balance. How we begin our day plays a very important role!

# Be Grateful

Before you get out of bed always take some time to be thankful and grateful for what you have. Mediating and praying will give you peace of mind, starting your day off on a positive note. This will raise the "feel good hormones" and will relieve the stress hormones. Stress leads to weight gain and by relieving the stress hormones  it is good for that waistline!

# Stretch

Stretching helps relieve muscle tension. Touch your toes, stretch your arms and improve flexibility. Muscle tension can create a similar stress response as emotional stress. Stretching will make you feel physically and mentally happy.

# Drink water

Drinking water first thing in the morning has many benefits. When you wake up in the morning we seem dehydrated and hence drinking water is very good for health. Dehydration leads to inflammation. Start off you day with a glass of warm water and a squeeze of lemon!

# Detoxify

Detoxify by body brushing. This is a process of brushing the skin, this helps awaken the lymphatic system that will work correctly to get the toxins out of the body!

# Breakfast

Breakfast is very, very important because it helps wake up your metabolism. If you do not have time for a good breakfast just eating something healthy like a fruit will do. When we eat during the first half of the day it gives your metabolism a kick and help you burn more calories resulting in weight loss!

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