10 excellent ways to get a flat tummy

Things take time to build up also take time to go back in actual shape. Yes, guys, we are talking about the belly and its fat. Once a belly fat gets visible, it is too hard to get rid of it. Disciplined diet, serious self-control, focused mind then needed.

Today, with these 10 dos and don'ts, you can know how to reduce your belly fat and get back in shape. 

#A correct posture: To reduce belly fat, first things to do is to sit and stand in a correct posture. That keeps your belly intact. 

#Take small portions of food: Instead of stick to the 3 meal course, take small portions of food. 

#Start with few crunches: To get a flat tummy, start doing few crunches and then increase the count. 

 #Never miss your beauty sleep: Take at least six to seven hours of sleep every night.

#Stay away from Sugar: Sugar isn't your friend except in some cases. It increases useless calorie, so say bye bye to sugar. 

#Lower the salt intake:  Salt intake should be low for saving fluid in the body. 

#Be stress-free: Remain calm in hectic situations and to lower your levels of anxiety, take deep breaths.

#Snacks are your enemy: Unhealthy snacks should not be in your list of food. 

#More drinking more fat: Alcohol consumption in high quantity should be not allowed in your life. #Make water your friend: Stay hydrated as much as you can be. 

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