10 year old girl makes 33 dishes in less than 1 hour

There are different types of people around the world who surprise the world by their talent. Now a 10-year-old girl has joined this list. This girl has made her place in many records books due to her art of cooking. This little girl who is an expert in cooking made more than 30 dishes within an hour and surprised everyone.

According to the information, the name of this 10-year-old girl is Sanvi M Prajit who in less than an hour made many more dishes including corn pakoras, utthapam, fried rice and roasted chicken and recorded her name. Talking about Sanvi M Prajit, she is the daughter of Indian Air Force wing commander Pranjit Babu and Manjama from Ernakulam. She has made it to the Asia Book of Records and India Book of Records with her fine performance.

Her family has given information about this. The family says that Sanvi M Prajit's name has been recorded in the record book under the most recipes made by a child. Sanvi cooked 33 items showing her art, including idli, waffle, corn cake, mushroom tikka, utthapam, egg, sandwich, papdi chaat, fried rice, chicken roast, pancake, appam and many more. According to the information received, 10 years 6 months and 12 days of Sanvi made this record on 29 August. Talking about this, Sanvi said that "She has achieved this only because of her family, friends and well wishers". Sanvi also has a YouTube channel on which she gives easy cooking tips.

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