20 Questions You Can Ask To Your Partner!!!

When does a relationship become serious? Is it when you say those first monumental I love yous? When y'all decide to become exclusive (if you're not polyamorous)? When you move in together? Maybe it's when you hit your one-year anniversary, or the first time you talk about marriage and kids. Perhaps your romance gets taken to the next level on that fateful day when you and your boo make it ~Facebook official~ or post your first couple selfie on Instagram. Whatever you and your partner decide to be the symbolic representation of your partnership's maturation is up to the two of you, of course. But there are a few things committed couples should know about each other.

One of the best ways to do that? As I explained below, asking each other questions that broaden the scope of the topics you discuss helps you and your partner dig into each other's inner thoughts and feelings, and enables you to share in ways you never thought possible.

Here is the list of Questions Every Couple Should Know The Answers To:

If you could meet anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be?

What does friendship look like to you?

What is the trait you value most?

What do you consider your greatest weakness to be?

How do you think others perceive you when they meet you for the first time?

What does your perfect day look like?

What is your biggest unacknowledged dream?

If you could eat anything at all right now, what would you choose?

Do you consider yourself a good friend?

What is your favourite thing to do?

Have you ever been heartbroken?

Who is your favourite fictional character ever?

Would you rather be rich or famous?

If you had to save the world by killing one person, could you live with yourself?

What does love look like to you?

What is something you would really like to get better at?

What is your favourite dessert?

You're going to a desert island. What three things/people do you take?

If you could choose any name beside your own, what name would you give yourself?

    20 What makes you feel most loved?


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