3 Ways to get rid of the tiredness

Tiredness, dullness, and weary feel are very common in being a human, We feel tired after a long hectic day or routine. In spite of working from home or spending a day out, you feel heaviness in the head, dirt on your skin. The monotonous and boring routine of the entire week can definitely take a toll on our mental as well as our physical health.

Craving for a break is a usual or a pampering session or a vacation! So this weekend, try some DIY ways to do so.

At-home pedicure

You can easily do your own pedicure at home. Pamper your feet to get rid of the tiredness. You just have to enjoy a foot tub with hot water and add a pinch of salt to it. Soak your feet for 15 minutes in the water so that they feel soft and fresh. Moisturize your feet and apply a pretty nail paint shade on your nails. 

A sheet mask and cucumber slices 

Sheet masks not only leave your skin feeling fresh and energized but also helps it to get the much-needed moisture and hydration. Pair it with some chilled cucumber slices to keep on your eyes and indulge in the ultimate pampering session.

Nail art to the rescue

Try some simple nail art designs this weekend to let the bright colors and patterns perk up your mood!

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