30 groups of India making vaccine of corona virus

New Delhi: India has got a big success in the war against the global epidemic coronavirus. Three types of tests have been developed in the country, while preparations for the fourth have also been completed. A test has been developed by IIT Delhi and one by Chitra Institute. It was informed by the government in the press conference on Thursday.

Professor K Vijay Raghavan, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, said that there are 30 groups in the country, who are trying to make Corona vaccine. This is a very risky process. Many people in the world are talking about the vaccine, but it is not known whose medicine will work. If the vaccine is wasted, then there is also loss. He said that the vaccine we give to the common people and not to the sick and any last stage patient is why the quality and safety of the vaccine should be thoroughly tested. He said that the vaccine is made in 10-15 years and it costs around 200 million dollars. Our effort is to make it in a year. So instead of working on one vaccine, we are working on more than 100 vaccines at the same time.

K Vijay Raghavan further said that efforts are being made to make the vaccine in three ways. One, we are trying ourselves. Secondly, we are working with outside companies and thirdly we are leading and people from outside are working with us.

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