4 don'ts during menstruation

Periods or menstruation is a natural thing for every woman. However, during these days, women have to face many challenges and obstacles. Poor digestion, vomiting, headache, and bad mood are some of the normal things. It is also a boon because due to this women gives birth to other life but it is also a curse as it comes with an intolerable pain.

So today we are going to tell you about those things which you should avoid during the 4-5 days of the Periods.

Unprotected sex Generally, the cervix opens up during the periods. In this case, there is a risk of infections due to unprotected sex, so avoid unprotected sex during periods.

Avoid eating tempting food Experts say that, the excessive salt diet dihydrate the body during periods, which also increases the problem of water retention, along with cramps.

Avoid cigarette or coffee According to a study conducted on smoking, women or girls who smoke cigarettes feel more pain than girls who do not smoke cigarettes during periods.

Try to avoid waxing During periods, if you do waxing, you will feel more pain than normal days. The pain occurs because during the periods the sensitivity of your skin increases significantly.

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