Easy yoga asana for gas problems
Easy yoga asana for gas problems

If you often feel bloated, then there is no doubt about the fact that bloating woes may not only make you feel remarkably irritating but can also mess with your digestive sanity. There can be various reasons trigger bloating and gastric concerns extend from eating infected food, stress and excessive eating of the wrong food items that could trigger gastric issues among others. At times, when the stomach bacteria are unable to break down food accurately, gastric issues arise.
While in stubborn cases may require medical intervention, in most cases, the disease gets better on its own by avoiding certain foods and loading up on gut-friendly foods to balance and improve the stomach microbiome. Yoga has long been touted as one of the best ways to tame some of the most common health diseases.
Pawanmuktasana is the safest asana for such health concerns.

Let's have a look on how you can do the above-mentioned asana:

How to get into the pose
- Lie flat on your back; keep your legs and arms extended.
- Bring your knees together and hold with both your hands.
- Release left leg and keep it extended on the floor, hold the pose for 30 seconds.
- Now, bring back your left leg, hold both legs and release your right leg.
- Repeat for a minute, do thrice.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana (The Wind Relieving Pose)
- It helps make the intestinal activity more active.
- It helps the liver in functioning better.
- When coupled with its counter pose Setubandhasana, it also helps strengthen the spine, especially the lumbar region.

Things to keep in mind
- Those who suffer from neck or spinal issues should avoid doing the posture.
- One of the other versions of the posture also requires you to bend your neck forward every time your knees meet the chest. You can also try the posture without alternating the legs.

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