5 food items that causes gas

One on the major problem these days is gas due to our food habit the patient are increases day by day. Gases are produced as a by-product when certain food materials are digested by naturally occurring bacteria in the large intestine, or colon. These bacteria are responsible for digesting materials like complex carbohydrate There are some foods that are less likely to cause gas. You can turn to these when you need to avoid gas, bloating and the embarrassment that can come with them. Here are also some food item that exggarrate gas problems. Here is list of food items you need to avoid to deal with the problem of gas.

Onions: You might be got shocked by hearing, Onions are a common food that features in many different types of cooking. People can eat onions raw or cooked. Onions contain such components which the intestine breaks down during digestion. The breakdown of the sugar causes gas to form  and it also make the situation worse.

Garlic: Spices are harmful for Gas problems. Garlic is another food that people all around the world use in a wide variety of cooking, and it can also cause this problem. If you have allergy with garlic then it will increase the chances of bloating. People who are gassy due to garlic consumption may notice some odor.

Alcohols and Sugar: these two items remain mostly undigested before reachingthe large intestine. When they arrive there, the bacteria that live in the intestine will start to break them down. These bacteria are responsible for excessive gas condition.

Soda: There is myth that soda is best to treat gas problem but actually it is not. It is one of the worst offenders for adding excess gas in your stomach. But it’s not just carbonated soda that causes the problem. Swallowing any soft drinks, such as sparkling water, beer and sparkling wine, to name a few increases the amount of gas in your digestive tract.

Dairy Products: Milk is very healthy but for Gas problems you have to skip milk also, as dairy products often are gassy foods. Cheese and ice cream can also be culprits if you are feeling bloated after those food choices. Instead, you can try non-dairy alternatives, though they aren’t always gas-free options. Test out soy milk or almond milk, but try to avoid almond milk that contains carrageenan, which can aggravate gas symptoms. Rice, quinoa and oat milks are also options, but they are high in carbs, which can cause gas. You can also try lactose-free milk. Test a few to see what might work for your body.

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