5 food items you should avoid during cough and cold

Cold and Cough is one of the most common problems. It affects our body and mind very badly and problems occurs when it became worse. There are various food items that aggravate your cold and cough. Foods contain protein allergens. For the majority of people, these proteins do not trigger an allergic reaction. While many foods can cause an allergic reaction. Following are the five items that aggravate your cough.

Fried and Spicy food: You may heard of spicy food when you have a cough and cold is great because it thins out the mucus and makes it easier to expel.  But as per a study capsaicin also stimulates the production of more phlegm. Eating that spicy curry might relieve your symptoms for a few minutes, but it’s going to make things worse in the long run and delay your recovery and it make your condition worse.

 Alcohol: It is a traditional remedy to have few drops of alcohol during cough.  According to a study, Alcohol consumption is linked to an increase in lung and bronchial inflammation. Alcohol also suppresses the white blood cells in your blood, which you need to fight the cold. What’s more, alcohol dehydrates you, and what you need most when you have a cold is increased intake of fluids. So stop having this during cough. Dairy Products:  Having Milk and other dairy products when you have a cold because these products create more phlegm and that’s clearly going to make things worse. As per studies instead of producing more phlegm in the body actually makes the existing mucus thicker and more difficult to get rid of. So stay away with milk and other dairy products.

Caffeine:   You  might get surprised by hearing this but drinks like coffee, tea and soft drinks are all diuretics that tend to dehydrate your body and this can lead to much thicker mucus, encouraging cold and cough and a weaker immunity.

Sugar: Try avoiding too much sugar during coffee. According to health experts, one should always avoid juices during cough & cold. They have high sugar content that further reduces white blood cells’ capacity to tackle illness. The acid in the juices also irritate the throat. 

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