5 Hidden Beaches Around the World You Need to Know About

The worst thing about going to the shore for vacation is dealing with the crowds. No one wants to get splashed by kids they don't know or forced to listen to music they don't find relaxing. Well, these unknown beaches are not only peaceful, but also pristine.

1. Navagio Beach in Greece

Often referred to as Smuggler's Cove, this sandy destination is lodged between two huge limestone cliffs. It's famous for having a three-decade-old shipwreck smack-dab in the middle of it that tourists can explore when they get tired of laying out.

2. Benagil Sea Cave in Portugal

Even though this natural cave is only accessible by water, it's worth the trip. It features a natural occurring oculus on top of a secluded beach (similar to this one) and is a mesmerizing sight to see when the sun illuminates it from above.

3. Pink Beach in Bonaire

You'd think visitors would flock to this beach to see the sand turn pink when it gets wet, but since there are no facilities nearby (yikes) it's often not as crowded as other popular shores.

4. Kauapea Beach in Hawaii

The nickname of this waterfront is "Secret Beach," which says it all. It's located on the north shore of the island of Kauai and is a favorite of locals, in part because no public roads lead to it.

5. Playa del Amor in Mexico

You might notice that there's a lot of land surrounding this beach — so how do you actually get to this wonder? You have to swim underwater through a short tunnel that connects to the hidden beach.

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