6 Best Foods for The Arteries !!!

Your diet directly affects your health, including the health of your circulatory system. Over time, a diet high in fat and processed foods elevates your cholesterol levels. The good news is that a heart-healthy diet helps clean plaque from your arteries, improves blood flow and keeps your circulatory system working properly.


Garlic can inhibit coronary artery calcification; the result of calcium deposition in the coronary arteries, which serves as a marker for plaque formation.


These foods strain the fat out your arteries. Instead of having fat build up in your blood vessels, these foods improve your cells' ability to absorb the fat and use it for energy production. Drink a glass of cranberry juice three times a week or eat 1 cup of grapes per day to unclog your arteries.


Asparagus is one of the best, natural artery-clearing foods. It helps ward off deadly clots. Asparagus works within the 100,000 miles of veins and arteries to release pressure, thereby allowing the body to accommodate for inflammation that has accumulated over the years.


Watermelon is not only a diet-friendly food, but it can help protect your heart too. L-citrulline, an amino acid found in watermelon lowers blood pressure. Researchers say the amino acid helps your body produce nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels.


Turmeric or haldi has anti-inflammatory properties. This spice works in favour of reducing heart diseases. Curcumin that is present in turmeric reduces inflammation in the arteries and the deposits of fats or blockages.


Antioxidants improve the walls of the arteries. Pomegranate is especially heart-friendly due to the presence of phytochemicals, which is an antioxidant. Pomegranate ignites the production of nitric oxide that improves the flow of blood and helps expand the arteries.

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