6 Everyday Foods that actually kill us!!!

Most of us know that we should eat better. Many of our eating habits are leading to dangerous health issues. Even if we try eating healthy and consume fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens that are apparently good for us, we are exposing ourselves to dangerous toxins that are worse for our health.

Here are some of them

Salad dressing

Salads are actually healthy. But did you know that the dressing you add to it has a long list of ingredients, preservatives and other additives. It also includes sodium and sugar. Instead, add to your veggies a little extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Canned Tomato Sauce

This is likely one of the sweetest culprits, secretly contributing to increased rates of obesity, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and dental decay. Try pureeing the sauce yourself and add the spices you know n love.

Dried Fruit

Though this contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals, many companies add sulfur and sugar to make it better for store shelves. Instead eat the fruit fresh.

Frozen meals

These are quick and convenient, but are filled with fat and salt.

Wheat Bread

Don’t be fooled by these unless the packet mentions it is 100% whole wheat, as it mostly contains white bread with just a little wheat flour.

Frozen Yogurt

This may be a healthier option compared to a full-fat ice cream. But frozen yogurt is high in sugar and can quickly add up in calories if you don't keep portion sizes to a half-cup.

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