What is AIDS, and how was the beginning of celebrating this day

Every year, 18th May is celebrated as World AIDS Vaccine Day across the world with the aim of further promoting the awareness of the vaccine among the people and educating them about AIDS. Along with this, this day is also dedicated to those doctors, and scientists who are constantly striving for the prevention of which whether it is research or the manufacture of vaccines. This day is also known as AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day.

How did the day begin to be celebrated?: The idea of celebrating World AIDS Vaccine Day came with President Bill Clinton's speech at Morgan State University on May 18, 1997. In it, Clinton said, "Only the HIV vaccine will be able to reduce the risk of AIDS." World AIDS Vaccine Day is the day to welcome and honour all those who over the years have been engaged in researching and creating a vaccine for aids prevention, and control of it. Which is indeed a huge contribution associated with the upliftment of society. Because AIDS is involved dangerous diseases. In 1981, AIDS was first reported in the United States and since then it has emerged as an epidemic.

After all, what is AIDS?: AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In a person suffering from AIDS, the virus completely destroys the immunity of the body by damaging white blood cells, which are also known as infection-fighting cells. Due to which the patient's condition gradually becomes serious, in the event of not getting treatment at the right time, the person's life is lost. Therefore, on this day people are told about the importance and necessity of the vaccine.

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