CM Yogi prepared a new plan to deal with Corona

The Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh has stepped up the exercise to stop this virus. Because the corona is spreading rapidly in the state. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has instructed all district magistrates that samples of 25 people should be tested daily from every district. Apart from this, wherever the corona infected patient is found, fix a circle in that area and conduct a health test for all the people living there. Yogi said that discipline is the cure for corona, so follow the lockdown strictly.

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Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had a video conferencing with all the district magistrates from his government residence on Thursday. Yogi said that the suspects should be kept in Institutional Quarantine. At the same time, all their needs should be fulfilled. Send samples of suspects to the lab and get them investigated. For this, there should be a sample collection centre in every district. CM Yogi while deciding the circle of 410 corona positive patients in 40 districts, directed the medical team to examine the affected family as well as the residents of the area there.

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Further in his statement, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath referred to the Institutional Quarantine and said that with the funds given to each district from the SDRF Fund for this work, the Quarantine Ward should be established and keep the suspects there. Arrangements for their living, eating, social distancing and security etc. should be made at these centres. Covid's L-1 hospitals should be established and functioning in every district. Yogi directed the Health Department to establish Kovid L-2 Hospital in every district. He said that the police personnel should implement the lockdown strictly and monitor with drones.

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