Albanian asylum-seekers deported from UK

UK: Campaigners have expressed "serious concern" about claims that 11 Albanians were taken out of Britain soon after arriving on small boats, despite government claims that asylum seekers from Albania would not rush in.

According to the Guardian, the Albanian asylum seekers were transferred from a Home Office processing center in the English county of Kent to Stansted Airport, where they were placed on a flight back to Albania.

Following claims by then-Home Secretary Priti Patel that the UK would return people who arrived in Britain with "false" asylum claims, the Home Office last month admitted it did not have the authority to expedite the deportations of Albanian asylum seekers. arrival.

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"The removal of 11 people in Albania shows that people in Manston may be denied due process," said Mishka Pillay, campaign advisor for Detention Action. "We have serious concerns about Manston; the most vulnerable are being cut off from access to vital support and justice," she continued.

Patel signed a deal with the Albanian government in August to repatriate those who arrived illegally, but the Care4Calais charity challenged the move in court.

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Some campaigners describe the conditions at the processing center in Manston, Kent as "nightmare" and "inhumane".

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Enver Solomon, CEO, said, "The appalling inhumane conditions we are seeing in reception facilities for men, women and children seeking asylum, highlight the unacceptable lack of contingency planning by this government, which is causing serious harm to vulnerable individuals." delivering." Refugee Council.

Many of the children we help are trapped in hotels or housed in Manston as age-defying adults, suffering from the fact that they can't get enough food, feeling unsafe, and some In cases, itching occurs."

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