Birth Anniversary of Alexander Graham Bell: Key Facts one should know about him

Alexander Graham Bell   was born o, March 3, 1847. He died on August 2, 1922. Alexander Graham Bell    was a Scottish-born American inventor, scientist, and engineer best known for inventing the first practical telephone in 1876, founding the Bell Telephone Company in 1877, and a refinement of Thomas Edison’s phonograph in 1886.

Graham  Bell was greatly inspired by his mother's and his wife's deafness, and he devoted a large portion of his life's work to studying hearing and speech and assisting the hearing impaired in communicating. Bell worked on several other innovations outside the telephone, such as a metal detector, planes, and hydrofoils, or "flying" boats.

Alexander Graham Bell was a scientist and inventor who is best known for inventing the telephone.  Bell was born on March 3, 1847, and throughout his childhood, his mother who was partially deaf,  encouraged him to pursue a career in science. Bell's father was a prominent figure who promoted communication within the deaf population and taught deaf pupils; Bell was excellent at this from a young age. 

Like his father, Bell continued to work with the deaf population throughout his life and finally wed a deaf woman. Both his mother Eliza Grace Symonds and his wife Mabel Gardiner Hubbard suffered hearing loss as a result of illness when they were young.

It was Graham  Bell’s determination to help deaf people that inspired most of his inventions, including the telephone. When he had the idea to try transmitting speech telegraphically—something that hadn't been done before—he was working on enhancing the telegraph system. The telephone was the result of that. Today's civilization would not function without telephones, and since that time, numerous advancements in communication have been accomplished.

In addition to the telephone, Bell is credited for creating the metal detector and the Hydrodome, a boat that in 1919 broke the world record for maritime speed. He was the National Geographic Society's second elected president.

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